Packaging: 350ml, 750ml

Easy to fitness, vitality and beauty.

Probiotic goat yoghurt can be successfully used for:

Improvement of lactose tolerance
Prevention of tooth decay
Better absorption of milk minerals
Bone renewal and development
Treating diarrhoea caused by antibiotics
Treating traveler’s diarrhoea
Prevention of numerous viral and bacterial infections
Treatment of viral gastroenteritis caused by Rotavirusor Norovirus
Prevention and treatment of digestive system infections
Treatment of liver chirrosis
Maintaining normal blood pressure
Peduction of risk factors for colon cancer
Prevention of obesity

During yoghurt production, probiotic bacteria can be added in milk alone or combined with traditional starter cultures, but in both cases probiotic bacteria preserve their therapeutic propertie.

The effect of probiotic bacteria to the host body-organism is carried out directly through the activities of live microorganism cells or indirectly through metabolites (products of metabolism) of probiotic cells.
Probiotic goat yoghurt improves the resistance of our immune system, especially in children.Probiotic goat yoghurt enhances subjectivefeeling of good health and fitness of anindividual.
Packaging: 350ml, 0.5l i 750ml
100g contain on average:
Lactose 4,2 g
Proteins 3,0 g
Milk fat 2,8 g
Energetic value243 kJ (56 kcal)
Store in the temperature from +1 to +6 C°

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