The goat farm was designed and built according to the highest European standards.

It started operating in 2003 with the import of the first registered herd of high-yielding goats into Serbia.

By cooperating with the experts from the Agricultural Faculty in Novi Sad and a lot of hard work, we have become a reputable farm which has served as a place for education and practical training of students of animal husbandry department of the Agricultural Faculty in Novi Sad as well as a place for scientific research.

On the basis of data obtained from the farm, several graduation papers and one master study paper have been written. By using results from production and breeding of goats from this farm, several scientific papers have been written and presented in the international symposiums.

We also carry out a complete control of goat productivity, thus the farm is in fact a center for high-quality breeding goats and bucks, which, by breeding throughout Serbia, enable the development of this somewhat neglected branch of cattle breeding.

The nominal capacity of the dairy plant is 10.000 liters of milk per day

It was designed and constructed in accordance with the highest European standards for the food-processing industry, and is one of the largest plants for production of goat milk. The production was started in 2007 is carried out in accordance with HACCP system requirements, which ensures the safety of food production.

Since we are familiar with the nutritive and health potential of goat milk, we have set extremely high criteria for the quality of raw milk, which is acquired mainly from our own farm and by purchasing from several farmers

Having substantial experience and constant improvement in raw milk production, we have educated our suppliers and thus managed to achieve the quality of raw milk which is far above the required standards of the Republic of Serbia and the EU. As the result of all this, we have managed to produce a range of unique and high quality products of goat milk, which are used not only as food, but also in preventive and therapeutical purposes in numerous health disorders.

In accordance with this we have to emphasise that our products consist exclusively of goat milk without the any preservatives.


Raw milk was the subject matter of the three year project btn-351007, which was financed by the Ministry of Science of Serbia. It was examined from different aspects and it was under control of experts from the Agricultural Faculty of Novi Sad, the Institute of Dairy Production in Belgrade, and the Veterinary Faculty in Belgrade.

The results of the three year long research have shown that the quality of our raw milk from our farm is significantly above the quality standards prescribed by the European Union for pasteurised milk.

It is well known that hygienic quality of raw milk determines its level of healthiness, which is very important in today’s trends connected to healthy diet, because the more versed clients are looking for just that – raw milk.

These data encouraged us to start cooperation with prof. dr. Anka Popović-Vraneš (Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Department for Veterinary Medicine, in order to try to find the way for raw milk to reach customers.

We also managed to achieve high quality of raw milk owing to:

  • quality and balanced diet
  • regular health control of all goats and their udders
  • good ventilation in the barn (enables 5 turns per day)
  • good hygiene in the barn (always clean bedding)
  • proper preparation for milking
  • proper milking (Westfalia with CIP)
  • good hygiene of the milking apparatus and lactofreeze
  • proper cooling of milk after milking
  • regular control of milk quality (the Institute of Dairy Production in Belgrade “Zavod za mlekarstvo” and “NIV” in Novi Sad)

Healthy (fulfill the health conditions prescribed by laws which regulate health protection of animals), registered with data on origin and production characteristics.

It can be in the period of four months until the period of breeding 7-9 months, dry period, period of pregnancy and period of lactation.


Brown and black.


Healthy, cheerful, with shiny hairs

Physical characteristics
  • weight from 35-65 kg depending on the age
  • prominent head
  • lowered neck
  • firm, long back, wide loin
  • wide straight pelvis
  • deep wide chest
  • massive glandular udder, positioned widely towards the belly
  • deep and wide hips and thighs
  • good position of legs
  • short and strong hooves
Preventive and health measures
  • Enterotoxemia vaccination
  • Blood test for brucellosis
  • Testing of udder secretion for mastitis
  • Parasite cleansing


Length of exploitation

up to 15 years


In order to get head of high quality genetic basis, high quality interior and good potential for high milk yield, breeding is carried out inside the facilities built according to the highest world standards, and all activities and responsibilities of the breeder are defined through a set of instructions.

Transport and distribution

Transport to the customers is carried out in special vehicles, disinfected by the veterinary institution.


Healthy, lively and cheerful, with a tattooed number from the Registry of kids and an earmark, prepared for being fed with fodder and concentrated food, between 7 and 9 years old and weighing 16 to 18kg.


Healthy, cheerful and well developed kid

Physical characteristics

Active, lively, weighing 16 to 18kg

Preventive and health measures
  • vaccination: from 20-25 day of life
  • revaccination: 21 days after the vaccination

With tattooed number, earmarked and gets its own pedigree

Breeding, transport and distribution
  • Breeding in certain climatic conditions: temperature 8-15˚ C, rel. air humidity max 80%, good ventilation and sufficient light.
  • Clean and dry bedding.
  • Transport to the customers is carried out in special vehicles, disinfected by the veterinary institution.
Intended use (condition)

For breeding

Target clients

Goat breeders for milk production


Healthy (fulfill the health conditions prescribed by laws which regulate health protection of animals), with or without horns. They can be in period of inactivity or breeding.

They can have full or partial origin, have to be in the registry, licensed and of the same sort as the doe, to originate from goats with high milk yield.


Brown and black.

Physical characteristics
  • well built
  • firm body
  • straight back
  • firm, muscular and wide back
  • deep torso with developed muscles
  • well built and muscular legs
  • properly developed reproductive organs
Preventive and health measures
  • Enterotoxemia vaccination
  • Parasite cleansing
  • Blood test for brucellosis


Length of exploitation

Up to 8 years.


In order to get head of high quality genetic basis, high quality interior and good potential for high milk yield, breeding is carried out inside the facilities built according to the highest world standards, and all activities and responsibilities of the breeder are defined through a set of instructions.

Transport and distribution

Transport to the customers is carried out in special vehicles, disinfected by the veterinary institution.


The barn, covering 720 m2, used for the housing of 250 goats, was built according to the regulations of the European Union and facilitates the following: double racks with central feeding, kidding pens, kid pens, feeding area with the apparatus for milk substitute and the apparatus for colostrum, milking parlour with waiting area, manure removing canals, waterproof floor with additives, thermo-insulated venting roof, heating and venting and automatic troughs.

Other facilities include: infirmary, changing-room with bathroom, kitchenette and office for the veterinary inspector. Adjacent to the barn is the outdoor area for different categories of goats, kids and bucks. Next to the barn is the hay storage, room for preparation and storage of concentrated food, as well as the covered area for machinery.

Feeding of goats

Clover and hay, partially from our own land and partially from other people’s land, whose quality is regularly controlled. We make the concentrate ourselves, from our own corn, grain and other components with corresponding attests.

Goat hygiene

Hygiene is extremely important and it is achieved through regular bathing and combing, washing and treatment of udders and maintenance of hooves.

The farm fulfills all conditions necessary for handling the basic service, such as:
  • the weight of adult head of cattle once a year, when the selective control is carried out (the data is entered into the Registry form of a goat, buck)
  • the weight of kids at birth and origin (into the Registry of kids)
  • control of the dairy yield and proteins every 28 – 33 days, which enables us to acquire goat, kid and buck pedigrees

We possess good breeding goats owing to good genetics and selection, and regular breeding.