Packaging: 350ml, 750ml

Goat milk also known as „White gold“. It doesn’t require cooking, only shaking.

Goat milk is being given a lot of attention because this type of food has additional qualities regarding the health benefits. Apart from a high nutritional value it also has curative properties. Therefore, it is used as food, for prevention and treatment.Goat milk is not a cure but it is healthy food with an advantage of being easily digestible because of softer curds and smaller, more absorbable, fat particles. For these reasons, goat milk is suitable for sensitive and slow digestive systems (goat milk is digested in about 40 minutes, while cow milk takes about 2.5 hours).

Goat milk proteins are more easily digested than cow milk proteins and absorption of amino acids is more efficient. If you are allergic to the protein αs-1 casein, which causes allergic reactions in many people, and which, unlike in cow milk, is only found in traces in goat milk, you can freely consume goat milk.Children given goat milk have had better immunity, higher resistance to diseases, various viruses, had faster growth, optimal body weight and better bone mineralisation compared to children given cow milk.


It is recommended for:

Pulmonary diseases, various allergies

It is recommended for

Enhancing activity of the digestive tract

It is recommended for

Improving immunity, for renewal and development of bone structure

Antikancerogena svojstva
Milk fat of goat milk contains conjugated linoleic acid which has been proved to have anticancerogenic effect. There have been numerous researches indicating that goat milk has anticangerogenic properties.Although the content of mineral matter in goat and cow milk is similar, goat milk contains 13% more calcium and is considered a champion in Ca since better absorption of Ca is achieved when goat milk is taken rather than when Ca capsules are taken, 25% more of vitamin B6, 47% more of vitamin A, 134% of potassium.
100g contain on average:
Lactose 4,2 g
Proteins 3,0 g
Milk fat 2,8 g
Energetic value 234 kJ (56 kcal)
Store in the temperature from +1 to +6 C°

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