Packaging: 350ml, 750ml
Probiotic drink
Completely natural mineral drink for good mood. Treats insomnia and depression in a natural way. It contains the proteins of the highest biological value (lactoalbumin and lactoglobulin). It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves digestion and metabolism. It is recommended in the prevention and treatment of liver disorders, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammation of skin and mucous membrane, and improving kidney functions.
Goat whey proteins are recognized as fast proteins because they are quickly absorbed and directly provide muscle cells with energy and necessary amino acids. People who live active lives require high level of energy daily, which these proteins can provide.
Since goat whey contains the majority of proteins as mother’s milk, baby food made with it is, after breastfeeding (when it is not possible), the second best way to nurture infants.
Goat whey is an excellent source of proteins for pregnant women, whose need for proteins is increased by one third. It contains complete proteins and provides all amino acids necessary for good health.
Goat whey is naturally abundant in the essential amino acid – tryptophan (natural sedative) which stimulates serotonin secretion – a neurotransmitter which is famous for causing feeling of relaxation and drowsiness. The most important quality of serotonin is its antidepressive effect. Finally, serotonin regulates mood and provides feeling of happiness. Another effect of serotonin is loss of weight.
It has positive effect on bad appetite, raised cholesterol and even dental plaque and tooth decay.
It helps liver regeneration, so if you have liver problems it is advised that you take “good old whey” after holiday feasting or having large meals in order to help regenerate liver and enable it for normal functioning since it is the largest factory in the organism.
Goat whey proteins are an ideal choice for the elderly, especially ones with bad appetite. Apart from providing energy to the organism, they boost immunity. It is easy to get used to the whey’s mild taste and it is easily changed to fit individual tastes by using different products. Another benefit of these proteins for the elderly is based on their ability to prevent osteoporosis – bone disease characteristic for the old age. It is well known that insufficient intake of proteins in old age can lead to substantial bone porousness, especially hips and spine, so they can be made up for by whey, even for people with lactose intolerance.
Whey proteins consist of a whole range of proteins, such as: beta-lactoglobulin, alpha- lactalbumin, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptide, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase.
Beta-lactoglobulin has a useful property to bind vitamins into soluble fat, thus helping the organism to use them more easily. Alpha-lactalbumin was first found in mother’s milk. It contains a lot of tryptophan , an essential amino acid which has potential benefit for people suffering from insomnia and stress. As it is widely known, immunoglobulins improve immunity in both children and adults. They are the only ones capable of calcium binding. Glycomacropeptide helps control and prevent formation of dental plaque and their decay. Lactoferrin, apart from having the ability to bind iron and improve its useability, prevents bacteria growth, including patogenes, at the same time helping development of useful bacteria, such as bifidus, which enables good intestinal flora. It can also help with inflammations. It prevents fungal growth. Lactoperoxidase prevents growth of bacteria dependent on iron. It is interesting that whey proteins can help with weight loss since they increase muscle mass. Apart from that, they make us feel satiated because they influence the level of hormons which lower appetite.
Goat whey proteins have anticancerogenous properties due to the presence of amino acids with sulphur. It ensures optimal level of magnesium in the organism.
100 g contain on average:
Lactose 5,3g
Proteins 0,96g
Milk fat 0,1g
Inulin 1g
Energetic value126 kJ (30 kcal)
Store in the temperature from +1 to +6 C°
Inulin has exceptionally significant influence for our product. Inulin is a mixture of oligo- and polyfructose which are obtained through hot water extraction from Jerusalem artichoke or chicory and subsequent drying by spraying, which prevents disintegration and changes to inulin properties.
Inulin is a probiotic and has a beneficial effect on humans, it selectively stimulates the development and/or activity of probiotic bacteria, that is, inulin is food for microorganisms of intestinal flora, which have a beneficial effect on health.
Probiotic bacteria ferment inulin into acids which increase the acidity of the medium in the intestines by which absorption of liver toxins decreases and absorption of minerals increases for 20% (especially Ca, Mg and Fe). Improved absorption of calcium can prevent or postpone osteoporosis.
The combination of probiotic bacteria and inulin significantly prevents the formation of precancerous lesions of the colon, which are an indication for the development of colon cancer.
Inulin is suitable for diabetics. It lowers the level of sugar in blood and since it does not stimulate pancreatic activity, it does not lead to the rise of inulin level in blood. If it is introduced in daily diet, inulin is a good prevention for type 2 diabetes.
Inulin regulates the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in blood. For people with higher level of fat in blood, they lower the level of serum triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and the lowering the ratio of “bad” LDL cholesterol and “good” HDL cholesterol.
Packaging: 350ml, 750ml i 1l
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